Get to Know

Sylvia Earle

Discover why we turned Sylvia into a superhero
Superhero Backstory
When Sylvia was 3 years old she was knocked down and pulled into the ocean by a wave. She found she was able to breathe naturally under water. She spent hours under water finding spiky sea urchins, seahorses that live in the grass meadows under water.

Sylvia can hold her breath for long periods of time by taking on the abilities of marine animals.
Sylvia can hold her breath for long periods of time by taking on the abilities of marine animals.
The Tektite Habitat is featured in the background of the drawing.
In 1979 Sylvia set a human depth record of 1,250 feet (381 m) using a JIM suit.
The Tektite habitat was an underwater laboratory. Slyvia took part in a mission which lasted 20 days.
Sylvia Earle loves dolphins.
Global warming is warming our oceans. These Higher temperatures are bad for fish, and us.
Top Quarkz Card Explained
Each drawing we create has one or more hidden treasure(s) about our superheroes' life experiences, depictions in art, jobs or discoveries. Did you find the ones hidden in this drawing?
Hidden Treasures
We have packed a lot into our cards - from amazing imagined superpowers to biographical information and hidden treasures.
Who is Sylvia Earle?
Sylvia Earle has spent decades exploring, protecting, and researching the world's oceans. She is a pioneer of deep ocean exploration for decades. Watch this video and find out more. Video credit: National Geographic Kids
The Impact of Oil Spillages
Sylvia Earle gave a speech at The Hague on the impact of oil spills. Find out more about impact of The Gulf of Mexico oil spill in this video. Video credit: MBSFS
Marine biology is the study of life in the oceans and other saltwater environments.

Marine biologists collect and study plants, identify animal species, research environmental effects and tell the public about their findings.
What's a Marine Biologist?
What Is An Oil Spill?
An oil spill is when oil spills out in water or on land. In an oil spill the oil in the water spreads. It is hard to separate oil and water, so a clean up processes can take a very long time and a lot of effort. Oil sticks to fur and feathers and is hard to remove, which is why animals are affected during oil spills.
Learn all about the five Oceans in this video by Clarendon Learning. Video credit: National Geographic
Learn More About Our Oceans.
Fun Facts
1. The deepest known area of the is known as the Mariana Trench. It's deepest point measures 11km!

2. We have only explored about 5% of the our oceans!

3. Over 225,000 species of living creatures live in our oceans.

4. Around 70% of the planet's surface is covered by oceans.
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