Priya can shape and manipulate dark matter, shifting the rotation of galaxies.
Priya was born on the planet Zog. By age nine she was one of the galaxies foremost experts in Black Holes, by age 16 she was running her own lab on the Starship Pisces. One day during a routine experiment her lab exploded. Priya survived the blast but soon realised her life would never be the same. She could now wield dark matter and bend it to her control...
The bridge in the background is the PSG tech overbridge which can be found in the city of Coimbatore, where Priya was born.
The Logo on her superhero outfit is that of the PBS science show
Nova ScienceNow. Pryia is on the scientific advisory board.
In this fact-file find out why we turned Priyamvada into a Superhero
The Pisces constellation can be seen from nearly all points on Earth!
Priya maps and studies the universe, including black holes. She has helped develop the theories of how they were formed.
Henrietta Leavitt was an astronomer who discovered how to measure Stellar Distances (the distance measurement in astronomy).
Pryia has also done work researching redshit (an increase in wavelength). The opposite of a redshift is a blueshift (wavelengths shorten and energy increases).