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George Robert Carruthers

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Superhero Backstory
George can decode messages from the farthest reaches of the universe.

George's superpower is UV Vision. He can also see into the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. He puts his superpower to use by keeping watch across the universe for nefarious aliens.
George can decode messages from the farthest reaches of the universe.
This emblem is the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. George was presented the award in 2012 by President Obama.
George invented the ultraviolet camera for NASA to use when it launched Apollo 16 in 1972.
George was born October 1, 1939, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Henry Draper was a pioneer of astrophotography. He photographed the spectrum of Jupiter in 1880.
Ultraviolet light is not as "sharp" or powerful as the light being created from plasmas.
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To right of George, is the ultraviolet camera/spectrograph that George developed for the Apollo 16 mission.
What do physists do?
Physics is about asking fundamental questions and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting.
Video credit: ZAP Physics
Find out more about George
In this video you can find out more about George.
Video credit: National Technical Association
How to become an Astrophysicist
Hear from Neil deGrasse Tyson on how to become an astrophysicist.
Video credit: StarTalk
How do telescopes work?
George built his first telescope when he was just ten years old. Check out this great video to find out how telescopes work.
Video Credit: BBC Earth Lab
Want to make a spectroscope?
Make a homemade spectroscope with a few simple materials and explore the spectrum of different light source!
Video Credit: K2B Craft
Did the Apollo 16 astronauts get the farts ?
Fun Fact: Apollo 16 Astronauts Got the Farts, you can find out why in this video.
Video Credit: SciShow Space
Want to discover more? Why not watch another video about George and learn more about this is remarkable scientist, or dive into the world of our science superheroes
George features in our game: Top Quarkz
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This video looks at George's groundbreaking work - by US Navy Research
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