Get to Know

Annie Easley

Discover why we turned Annie into a superhero
Superhero Backstory
Annie, a computer whizz-kid, lived with her family in Alabama, USA. When she was 14, high-ranking officials within the government were contracted to hunt her down. Using the computers at her parents home, Annie converted energy from batteries and other household objects to create a force field. The blast of energy that was created exploded her home.

Annie survived but was left with the power to self-energise by absorbing and converting others' powers.
Annie can absorb and convert others' powers into forms of energy
The dress Annie is wearing is a replica of the computer circuit board found on a famous photo of Annie Easley.
Her work on the Centaur project laid the foundation for future work and contributed to the 1997 flight of the Cassini probe.
Annie is fighting Supervilians on Saturn. Why? The Cassini probe was sent to study the planet Saturn including its rings.
Alan Shepard became the first American to travel into space, and in 1971, he walked on the Moon.
Snow and Ice can stop Annie in her tracks, the cold makes it hard for her to convert energy.
Top Quarkz Card Explained
Each drawing we create has one or more hidden treasure(s) about our superheroes' life experiences, depictions in art, jobs or discoveries. Did you find the ones hidden in this drawing?
Hidden Treasures
We have packed a lot into our cards - from amazing imagined superpowers to biographical information and hidden treasures.
What Do Computer Scientists Do?
Computer scientists design new software, solve computing problems and develop different ways to use technology.
Video credit: McGraw-Hill PreK-12
Want to Explore Saturn's Rings?
Video credit SciShow Kids
Computer Scientists use logical thinking and problem-solving strategies when they are writing code. In this video, Bill Gates explains how computers work.
Video credit: SNZ
Learn more about Computers
Cassini's last Chapter
A great animation of Cassini's last chapter. After a 20-year mission it plunged itself into the Saturn's atmosphere.Video credit: National Geographic

Fun Facts about Cassini
1. Cassini showed that Titan (one of Jupiters moons) is one of the most Earth-like planets.

2. Cassini made its final approach to Saturn and dove into the planet's atmosphere on 15 September 2017.

3. Cassini was launched on the 15 October 1997.

4. Cassini was shown us what the processes that may shaped our solar system was.

5. Cassini orbited Saturn, studying the planet and its icy moons in detail, it captured around 450,000 images some of which you can see on NASA's website. Cassini showed us worlds ruled by raging storms with methane rivers.
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